Cross-Entropy Loss — Crucial In Machine Learning — Complete Guide & How To Use It

by | Sep 27, 2023 | Data Science, Machine Learning

What is cross-entropy loss?

Cross-entropy Loss, often called “cross-entropy,” is a loss function commonly used in machine learning and deep learning, particularly in classification tasks. It quantifies the dissimilarity between the predicted probability distribution and the actual probability distribution (ground truth) of a set of events or classes.

The formula for cross-entropy loss in binary classification (two classes) is:

binary classification cross entropy loss function formula


  • H(y,p) is the cross-entropy loss.
  • y is the true label (0 or 1).
  • p is the predicted probability that the input belongs to class 1.

In the case of multi-class classification with C classes, the formula for cross-entropy loss becomes:

multi-class classification cross entropy loss function formula


  • H(y,p) is the cross-entropy loss.
  • y is a one-hot encoded vector representing the true class (e.g., [0,1,0] for the second class in a 3-class problem).
  • p is a vector of predicted class probabilities for each class.
  • log(pi​) computes the natural logarithm of the predicted probability for class i.
  • The sum is taken over all classes.

The loss function aims to penalize models more when they make confident incorrect predictions. The loss is lower when the predicted probability distribution is closer to the true distribution. This makes it a suitable loss function for training classification models, and it is often used in conjunction with gradient descent-based optimization algorithms to update model parameters during training.

Why is cross-entropy loss important in machine learning?

In machine learning, cross-entropy is commonly used as a loss function for various tasks, particularly in classification problems. It serves as a measure of dissimilarity or error between the predicted values and the actual target values. Cross-entropy is especially useful when dealing with probabilities and likelihoods, making it a natural choice for classification tasks.

Here are some critical points about cross-entropy in the context of machine learning:

  1. Classification Loss: It is widely used in classification tasks, where the goal is to assign an input data point to one of several predefined classes. This could be binary classification (two classes) or multi-class classification (more than two).
  2. Binary Cross-Entropy (Log Loss): Binary cross-entropy (log loss) is commonly used in binary classification. It measures the dissimilarity between the true binary labels (0 or 1) and the predicted probabilities for the positive class. The formula was mentioned in the previous answer.
  3. Multi-Class Cross-Entropy: In multi-class classification, it generalizes to handle more than two classes. It measures the dissimilarity between the true class labels (represented typically as one-hot encoded vectors) and the predicted class probabilities for each class. The formula for multi-class cross-entropy was also mentioned in the previous answer.
  4. Minimization: The goal during the training of a machine learning model is to minimize the cross-entropy loss. Optimization algorithms like gradient descent or its variants adjust the model’s parameters to minimize this loss function.
  5. Probabilistic Interpretation: Cross-entropy can be interpreted as a measure of how well the predicted probability distribution aligns with the true distribution. It is minimized when the predicted probabilities match the true class probabilities.
  6. Regularization: Cross-entropy Loss can be augmented with regularization terms (e.g., L1 or L2 regularization) to prevent overfitting by penalizing large weights in the model.
  7. Softmax Activation: In multi-class classification, the softmax activation function is often used to convert the model’s raw output scores (logits) into class probabilities, which are then used to compute the cross-entropy loss.
  8. Information Theory: Cross-entropy is rooted in information theory, which measures the information content difference between two probability distributions. It quantifies how much information is lost when the predicted distribution represents the true distribution.
Cross-entropy can be interpreted as a measure of how well the predicted probability distribution aligns with the true distribution.

Cross-entropy can be interpreted as a measure of how well the predicted probability distribution aligns with the actual distribution.

Cross-entropy loss is fundamental in machine learning, particularly in classification tasks. It provides a way to quantify the error between predicted and actual probability distributions, making it a crucial component of training and evaluating machine learning models for classification problems.

What is Binary Cross-Entropy Loss?

Binary Cross-Entropy is one of the most fundamental loss functions in machine learning and classification tasks. Often referred to as log loss, this metric plays a pivotal role in assessing the performance of models, particularly in binary classification problems. Let’s delve into the intricacies of Binary Cross-Entropy and understand why it’s a go-to choice in machine learning.

Binary Cross-Entropy Loss Function

Binary Cross-Entropy is mathematically defined as:

binary classification cross entropy loss function formula

Let’s break down the components:

  • H(y,p): This represents the Binary Cross-Entropy loss.
  • y: This signifies the true binary label, which can take values 0 or 1.
  • p: This denotes the predicted probability of the positive class (class 1).

Understanding Binary Cross-Entropy through Examples

To grasp the essence of Binary Cross-Entropy, let’s consider a few examples:

Example 1: Perfect Prediction 

Suppose you have a binary classification problem where the true label y is 1 (indicating a positive example), and your model predicts p=0.99 as the probability of belonging to class 1. Plugging these values into the formula, you get:


In this case, the Binary Cross-Entropy is near zero, indicating a near-perfect alignment between the predicted probability and the actual label.

Example 2: Imperfect Prediction 

Now, consider a scenario where the true label y is 1, but your model predicts p=0.2. Calculating the Binary Cross-Entropy:


Here, the loss is substantially higher, reflecting a substantial misalignment between the predicted probability and the true label.

These examples illustrate that the Binary Cross-Entropy is sensitive to the quality of your model’s predictions. It punishes models for making confident incorrect predictions (i.e., assigning high probability to the wrong class) and rewards them for making accurate predictions.

Interpretation of Results

The Binary Cross-Entropy loss serves as a valuable indicator of model performance:

  • Lower loss values indicate that your model’s predicted probabilities are closer to the actual labels, signifying better performance.
  • Higher loss values suggest significant discrepancies between predicted and actual probabilities, indicating errors in classification.

In the context of model training, the objective is to minimize this loss. By doing so, the model learns to make more accurate predictions.

Applications and Use Cases

Binary Cross-Entropy is employed in various real-world applications:

  • Spam Email Detection: It helps classify emails as spam (class 1) or not (class 0) based on features and content.
  • Disease Diagnosis: In medical diagnostics, it assists in identifying the presence (class 1) or absence (class 0) of a particular disease based on patient data.
  • Sentiment Analysis: In sentiment analysis of text data, it aids in classifying reviews or comments as positive (class 1) or negative (class 0).

Binary Cross-Entropy shines in problems where there are two distinct and mutually exclusive outcomes.

Pitfalls and Challenges

While Binary Cross-Entropy is a powerful loss function, it’s not without its challenges:

  • Sensitivity to Class Imbalance: In cases where one class heavily dominates the dataset, the loss can be skewed, and the model may have a bias toward the majority class.
  • Impact of Outliers: Extreme predicted probabilities (near 0 or 1) can lead to high loss values, potentially causing convergence issues during training.

Understanding these challenges is essential when applying Binary Cross-Entropy in practice.

Python Code Example

To calculate Binary Cross-Entropy Loss in Python, you can use libraries like NumPy. Here’s a simple code snippet:

import numpy as np

# True label (0 or 1)
y_true = 1

# Predicted probability of class 1 (0 to 1)
p_predicted = 0.2

# Calculate Binary Cross-Entropy loss
loss = - (y_true * np.log(p_predicted) + (1 - y_true) * np.log(1 - p_predicted))
print("Binary Cross-Entropy Loss:", loss)

What is Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss?

While Binary Cross-Entropy loss is a vital tool in binary classification, what if you’re dealing with classification problems that involve more than two classes? This is where Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss comes into play. In this section, we’ll explore how this loss function extends the concept of cross-entropy to handle scenarios with multiple classes.

Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss Function

We used a binary label (y) and a single predicted probability (p) in binary classification. In multi-class classification, we work with C classes (where C is the number of classes), and the formula for Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss is as follows:

multi-class classification cross entropy loss function formula

Here’s a breakdown of the components:

  • H(y,p): Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss.
  • yi​: The true label for class i, represented as a one-hot encoded vector.
  • pi​: The predicted probability for class i.

Understanding Multi-Class Cross-Entropy through Examples

Let’s clarify this with an example involving three classes (C=3).

Example: Fruit Classification

Suppose you’re building a fruit classifier with three classes: apples, bananas, and cherries. In this case, C=3 . The true label for an apple (class 1) is represented as [1,0,0] , for a banana (class 2) as [0,1,0] , and for a cherry (class 3) as [0,0,1] .

Now, if your model predicts the following probabilities for a given fruit:

p=[0.8,0.1,0.1] for an apple,
p=[0.2,0.7,0.1] for a banana,
p=[0.1,0.2,0.7] for a cherry.

Calculating Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss for each case:

For an apple (true label: [1,0,0]):


For a banana (true label: [0,1,0]):


For a cherry (true label: [0,0,1]):


Summing up these losses gives us the total Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss.

This example demonstrates how Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss can evaluate the alignment between predicted probabilities and true class labels when dealing with multiple classes.

Interpretation of Results

The interpretation of Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss remains consistent with the binary case:

  • Lower loss values indicate that the predicted probabilities align well with the true class labels, showing better model performance.
  • Higher loss values suggest significant disparities between predicted probabilities and true class labels, indicating classification errors.

As in binary classification, model training aims to minimize this loss to enhance predictive accuracy.

Applications and Use Cases

Multi-class cross-entropy loss is widely applied in real-world scenarios involving multiple classes:

  • Image Classification: In image recognition tasks, it’s used to classify images into various object categories.
  • Natural Language Processing: In sentiment analysis, it helps categorize text documents into sentiment classes (e.g., positive, negative, neutral).
  • Medical Diagnosis: It’s used to classify diseases into different diagnostic categories based on patient data.

This loss function is indispensable in situations where classification extends beyond binary outcomes.

Challenges and Considerations

When working with Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss, there are considerations to keep in mind:

  • Class Imbalance: Just as in binary classification, imbalances in class distribution can impact the loss function, potentially favouring the majority class.
  • Softmax Activation: Often used with Multi-Class Cross-Entropy, the softmax activation function converts raw model outputs into class probabilities.

Python Code Example

Calculating Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss in Python can be straightforward using libraries like NumPy. Here’s a basic code snippet:

import numpy as np

# True label (one-hot encoded)
y_true = np.array([0, 1, 0])

# Predicted probabilities for each class
p_predicted = np.array([0.2, 0.7, 0.1])

# Calculate Multi-Class Cross-Entropy loss
loss = -np.sum(y_true * np.log(p_predicted))
print("Multi-Class Cross-Entropy Loss:", loss)

This code snippet demonstrates how to compute the loss using the Multi-Class Cross-Entropy formula.

The Role of Cross-Entropy in Model Training

Cross-entropy loss functions, including Binary Cross-Entropy and Multi-Class Cross-Entropy, are not just theoretical concepts in machine learning. They play a pivotal role in training models, guiding them to make accurate predictions.

Minimizing Cross-Entropy: The Training Objective

In machine learning, the primary objective during a model’s training is to minimize the chosen loss function. Cross-entropy Loss is a popular choice for this purpose in classification tasks. But why is minimizing Cross-Entropy critical?

  1. Alignment with True Labels: Minimizing Cross-Entropy encourages the model to predict probabilities that closely match the true labels. In other words, it penalizes the model when its predictions deviate from reality.
  2. Probabilistic Interpretation: Cross-entropy Loss has a probabilistic interpretation. Minimizing it effectively encourages the model to output probabilities that reflect each class’s likelihood, a highly desired behaviour in classification.
  3. Gradient Descent Optimization: Optimization algorithms like gradient descent update the model’s parameters iteratively. These algorithms rely on the gradient (derivative) of the loss function to determine how much and in which direction to adjust the model’s parameters. Cross-entropy Loss provides a differentiable and informative signal for this optimization.
algorithms that rely on the gradient (derivative) to determine how much and in which direction to adjust the model's parameters.

Algorithms rely on the gradient (derivative) of the loss function to determine how much and in which direction to adjust the model’s parameters.

Iterative Improvement

The training process is iterative, and the model gradually refines its predictions by minimizing Cross-Entropy loss. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initialization: The model’s parameters are initialized randomly.
  2. Forward Pass: During each training iteration, input data is fed through the model, and predictions are made.
  3. Loss Computation: Cross-entropy Loss is computed based on the model’s predictions and the true labels for the training data.
  4. Backpropagation: The gradient of the Cross-Entropy Loss concerning the model’s parameters is calculated. This gradient determines how much each parameter should be adjusted to reduce the loss.
  5. Parameter Update: The model’s parameters are updated in the opposite direction of the gradient. This update nudges the model’s predictions closer to the correct values.
  6. Iteration: Steps 2-5 are repeated for a set number of iterations (epochs) or until the loss converges to a minimum.

The Influence of Cross-Entropy on Model Behavior

The model learns to make better predictions as the training progresses by minimizing Cross-Entropy loss. Here’s how the behaviour of the model changes over time:

  1. Early Stages: Initially, the model’s predictions may be random, and the loss is typically high. It has little knowledge of the data distribution.
  2. Mid Stages: As training continues, the model starts to align its predictions with the true labels. The loss gradually decreases.
  3. Convergence: In ideal circumstances, the model converges to a point where the loss stabilizes at a minimum value. At this stage, it has learned to represent the data accurately.

The Importance of Hyperparameters

While Cross-Entropy Loss is a crucial part of model training, achieving optimal results also depends on other factors. Hyperparameters influence the training process, such as the learning rate and regularization strength. The choice of architecture (e.g., neural network depth and width) also plays a significant role.

Cross-entropy loss functions in training machine learning models act as guiding lights, helping models understand and navigate complex data distributions. By minimizing these loss functions, models learn to make more accurate predictions, ultimately improving their ability to classify and generalize to unseen data.

However, successful model training is a delicate balance of hyperparameter tuning, architecture selection, and data preprocessing, all working in harmony to achieve the best results.

Cross-Entropy Loss in Deep Learning

Cross-entropy loss functions are not confined to theoretical discussions; they are at the heart of deep learning, deployed in neural networks to solve complex problems. This section will explore how deep learning frameworks leverage Cross-Entropy Loss and explore practical applications across various domains.

Deep Learning Frameworks and Cross-Entropy

Deep learning libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras have built-in support for Cross-Entropy loss functions, simplifying their implementation in neural network architectures. These frameworks provide convenient APIs for defining the loss function, computing gradients, and optimizing model parameters.

Softmax Activation and Cross-Entropy

Cross-entropy loss is often used with the softmax activation function in multi-class classification tasks. The softmax function converts raw model outputs (logits) into a probability distribution over the classes, ensuring that predicted probabilities sum to 1. This probability distribution is then used to compute the Cross-Entropy Loss.

Deep learning frameworks seamlessly integrate the softmax activation function, making it easy to combine with Cross-Entropy loss for multi-class classification.

Practical Applications

1. Image Classification

Deep learning models, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), employ Cross-Entropy Loss for image classification tasks. These models can distinguish between thousands of object categories in images, making them valuable tools in fields like computer vision.

2. Natural Language Processing

In natural language processing (NLP), Cross-Entropy Loss is instrumental in sentiment analysis, machine translation, and text generation tasks. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformer models leverage this loss to learn the intricate patterns in text data.

3. Medical Diagnosis

Deep learning models are making significant strides in medical diagnosis. Cross-entropy loss aids in classifying medical images (e.g., X-rays, MRIs) to identify diseases like cancer, pneumonia, and more. Making accurate predictions is crucial for early detection and patient care.

4. Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles rely on deep learning for object detection and scene understanding. Cross-entropy Loss helps these models classify objects and make decisions to navigate safely.

5. Fraud Detection

In financial industries, Cross-Entropy Loss plays a role in fraud detection systems. Models use this loss to differentiate between legitimate and fraudulent transactions based on transaction data and user behaviour.

Challenges and Improvements

While Cross-Entropy loss functions are highly effective, there are ongoing research efforts to address their limitations. Some challenges include:

  1. Class Imbalance: Techniques like class weighting or oversampling can help mitigate the impact of imbalanced datasets on the loss function.
  2. Extreme Probabilities: Extremely confident predictions (close to 0 or 1) can lead to enormous loss values. Variations of it, like focal loss, aim to mitigate this issue.
  3. Regularization: In some cases, adding regularization terms to the loss function can improve model generalization.

How to implement cross-entropy loss in Python

Cross-entropy loss in PyTorch

In PyTorch, you can easily implement and use Cross-Entropy Loss for various machine learning tasks, including multi-class classification. The torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss class is readily available for this purpose. Here’s how you can use it:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Example data (replace this with your own data)
# Let's assume you have 3 classes and 4 samples.
# The target tensor contains class indices (0, 1, or 2).
# The model's predictions should be logits (raw scores) for each class.
target = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 1])  # Ground truth class indices
logits = torch.tensor([[2.0, 1.0, -1.0],
                       [0.0, 2.0, -2.0],
                       [1.0, 1.0, -1.0],
                       [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])  # Raw scores/logits

# Initialize the CrossEntropyLoss
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

# Calculate the loss
loss = criterion(logits, target)

# Print the loss
print("Cross-Entropy Loss:", loss.item())

In this example:

  1. target is a 1D tensor containing the true class indices for each sample (0, 1, or 2).
  2. logits is a 2D tensor where each row corresponds to the raw scores or logits for each class for a sample. You can think of these as the model’s predictions before applying softmax.
  3. nn.CrossEntropyLoss() initializes the loss function.
  4. loss is computed by passing the logits and target tensors to the loss function, and .item() is used to retrieve the scalar loss value.

You would typically use this loss with an optimizer to train a neural network. During training, the model’s logits are compared to the ground truth class indices, and the loss is minimized using gradient descent or a similar optimization algorithm.

Cross-entropy loss in Tensorflow

In TensorFlow, you can implement and use it for various machine learning tasks, including multi-class classification, using the tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy loss function. Here’s how you can use it:

import tensorflow as tf

# Example data (replace this with your own data)
# Let's assume you have 3 classes and 4 samples.
# The target tensor contains class indices (0, 1, or 2).
# The model's predictions should be logits (raw scores) for each class.
target = tf.constant([0, 1, 2, 1], dtype=tf.int64)  # Ground truth class indices
logits = tf.constant([[2.0, 1.0, -1.0],
                      [0.0, 2.0, -2.0],
                      [1.0, 1.0, -1.0],
                      [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], dtype=tf.float32)  # Raw scores/logits

# Initialize the SparseCategoricalCrossentropy loss
criterion = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy()

# Calculate the loss
loss = criterion(target, logits)

# Print the loss
print("Cross-Entropy Loss:", loss.numpy())

In this example:

  1. target is a 1D tensor containing the true class indices for each sample (0, 1, or 2).
  2. logits is a 2D tensor where each row corresponds to the raw scores or logits for each class for a sample. You can think of these as the model’s predictions before applying softmax.
  3. tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy() initializes the Sparse Categorical Cross-Entropy loss function.
  4. loss is computed by passing the target and logit tensors to the loss function, and .numpy() retrieves the scalar loss value as a NumPy array.

You would typically use this loss with an optimizer to train a neural network. During training, the model’s logits are compared to the ground truth class indices, and the loss is minimized using gradient descent or a similar optimization algorithm.

Cross-Entropy vs. Other Loss Functions

While Cross-Entropy Loss is a powerful and widely used loss function in machine learning, it’s essential to recognize that various other loss functions exist, each suited to specific scenarios. In this section, we will explore how it compares to other loss functions and under what circumstances it excels.

1. Cross-entropy vs. Mean Squared Error (MSE)

One of the most common alternatives to Cross-Entropy for classification tasks is Mean Squared Error (MSE):

  • Cross-Entropy: Ideal for classification problems, mainly when working with probabilities and discrete class labels. It encourages confident and accurate predictions.
  • MSE: Often used for regression tasks, the goal is to predict continuous values. It measures the squared difference between predicted and true values.

2. Cross-Entropy vs. Hinge Loss

Hinge loss is another loss function commonly used for classification tasks, especially in support vector machines (SVMs):

  • Cross-Entropy: Suitable for multi-class classification and problems where class probabilities matter. It heavily penalizes incorrect confident predictions.
  • Hinge Loss: Often used for binary classification. It encourages correct predictions by introducing a margin and is less sensitive to confident but incorrect predictions.

When does Cross-Entropy Excel?

  • Probabilistic Predictions: When your model needs to output probabilities for each class (e.g., multi-class classification), Cross-Entropy aligns well with the probabilistic nature of the predictions.
  • Softmax Activation: Cross-entropy is a natural choice when combined with the softmax activation function, which ensures that the predicted probabilities sum to 1 in multi-class classification.
  • Classification with Uncertainty: In problems where estimating uncertainty is vital, it provides a precise measure of prediction confidence. High loss values indicate uncertainty in predictions.
  • Imbalanced Datasets: When applying proper techniques like class weighting, it can handle class imbalance issues better than other loss functions.
  • Deep Learning: It is prevalent in the deep learning era, as it aligns well with neural networks’ capabilities to learn complex data representations.

When should you consider other loss functions?

Despite its versatility, there are situations where Cross-Entropy Loss may not be the best choice:

  • Regression Tasks: For problems where the goal is to predict continuous values, MSE or other regression-specific loss functions are more appropriate.
  • Robustness to Outliers: In cases where extreme outliers are present in the data, loss functions less sensitive to outliers, such as Huber loss, may be preferred.
  • Ordinal Regression: In tasks where classes have a natural ordinal relationship (e.g., low, medium, high), ordinal regression loss functions like the ordinal hinge loss may be more suitable.
  • Custom Loss Functions: For highly specialized problems, crafting custom loss functions that align precisely with the task requirements can be beneficial.


In this blog post, we’ve explored the concept of Cross-Entropy loss, a fundamental element in machine learning and deep learning. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Cross-Entropy Loss: It measures the dissimilarity between predicted probabilities and true labels in classification tasks, including Binary and Multi-Class Cross-Entropy.
  • Binary vs. Multi-Class: Binary Cross-Entropy is used for binary classification, while Multi-Class Cross-Entropy extends to problems with more than two classes.
  • Training Objective: Minimizing Cross-Entropy is the primary goal during model training. It encourages models to make accurate probabilistic predictions.
  • Deep Learning: Cross-entropy is a cornerstone in deep learning, where it is combined with the softmax activation function to train neural networks for tasks such as image classification and natural language processing.
  • Practical Applications: It is prevalent in various domains, including image classification, medical diagnosis, natural language processing, and autonomous vehicles.
  • Comparison with Other Loss Functions: While Cross-Entropy is versatile and suitable for many tasks, other loss functions like Mean Squared Error and Hinge Loss have their strengths and are better suited for specific scenarios.

About the Author

Neri Van Otten

Neri Van Otten

Neri Van Otten is the founder of Spot Intelligence, a machine learning engineer with over 12 years of experience specialising in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and deep learning innovation. Dedicated to making your projects succeed.

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